Artificial insemination – celebrities and ordinary people
Surrogate motherhood and egg donation has already become so popular that today such procedure is no surprise for anybody at all. Internationally known celebrities often resort to the assisted methods of reproductive medicine. Nicole Kidman, Sarah Jessica Parker, Ricky Martin, Robert De Niro, Elton John and many other famous persons have added family using services of surrogate mothers.
For most celebrities it’s not only happiness of motherhood and fatherhood, but additional attraction for journalists and tabloids as well. News that another one Hollywood couple became parents of a surrogate child is always in the front pages. But not only rich and famous turn to the help of ART, but ordinary people as well. Only newspapers don’t cover their stories. But it’s also worth writing.
Thus center for human reproduction BioTexCom each month welcomes patients from all over the world, of any ages, with different diagnoses and for various programs. It happens so that even doctors surprised. Nevertheless they always judiciously and successfully conduct artificial fertilization programs.
News about pregnant 66-year-old resident of Switzerland spread around the world. Woman addressed BioTexCom specialists as it was her only chance – in Ukraine there is no age limit for women to conduct IVF, moreover BioTexCom doctors treat even the most hopeless infertility cases. Swiss woman was transferred embryos created with the use of donated eggs and sperm. As a result mother – heroine carried and gave birth to healthy twins.
A lot of couples at the age of 50-60 visit Ukrainian medical center in order to use assisted methods of reproductive medicine. Not so long ago, woman from Germany, at the age of 67 successfully became pregnant after the second IVF attempt, using donor eggs. Being in good health woman safely carried pregnancy and gave birth to a healthy girl.
Many couples come back again to the BioTexCom medical center to conduct surrogacy or egg donation program once more. Clinic’s staff is always happy to receive letters of thanks of foreign patients, as well as photo and video of children who were born thanks to the talented embryologists of BioTexCom.