IVF/ICSI arşiv - Sayfa 2 / 4 - BioTexCom - Üreme merkezi

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    • 2013/02/21
    • 0
    ICSI procedure

    ICSI procedure

    ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) is performed as a part of IVF. It is conducted when a small number of sperm is available and enables fertilization of an egg with even a single sperm cell. ICSI procedure is often recommended if:  the male partner has a very low sperm count other problems with the sperm have

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    • 2013/02/21
    • 0
    Stages of IVF procedure

    Stages of IVF procedure

    Term “IVF” is abbreviation of words “in vitro fertilization”. From Latin these words mean “outside body”, that is, fertilization, which takes place outside the body of a person, or in vitro. Today, it is one of the high-tech methods of infertility treatment, when fertilization in natural conditions, due to any reasons, is impossible. The most

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